Fishing Reports
SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 AM COMBO: 32 PERCH / 28 WALLEYE/threw back 7 walleye/6 people/8 w.bass/2 w.perch/7 sheephead
SEPTEMBER 21, 2016 AM PERCH: 1 WALLEYE / 56 PERCH /threw back 4 walleye/4 people/6 w.perch/3 sheephead
SEPTEMBER 18, 2016 AM: 34 WALLEYE / 16 perch/threw back 15 walleye/5 people/44 w.bass/8 sheephead/1 steelhead
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 PM: 29 WALLEYE / 3 perch /threw back 6 walleye/4 people/8 w.bass/8 sheephead/1'-2' waves
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 AM: 24 WALLEYE/ 4 crew scouting / limited out before 11 am!
SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 AM COMBO: 9 WALLEYE / 84 PERCH / threw back 6 walleye/5 people/4 w.bass/4 w.perch/2'-4' waves
SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 PM: 16 WALLEYE/threw back another 10 undersized/4 people/1 perch/8 w.bass/4 sheephead/1'-2' waves
SEPTEMBER 4, 2016 AM: 16 WALLEYE/threw back another 8 undersized/4 people/5 perch/4 w.bass/12 w.perch/1 steelhead/15 sheephead
SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 AM: 26 WALLEYE/threw back another 10 undersized/4 people/1 perch/4 w.bass, 15 w.perch/3 steelhead, 12 sheephead/2'-5' waves
AUGUST 28, 2016 AM: 19 WALLEYE/threw back another 5 undersized/3 people/22 perch/2w.bass/4 w.perch/7 sheephead/1'-2'waves
AUGUST 27, 2016 PM: 3 WALLEYE/threw back another 3 undersized/6 CREW/storm blew in, wind switched and shut them down.
AUGUST 27, 2016 AM: 11 WALLEYE/5 people/2'-4' waves
AUGUST 27, 2016 SCC AM: 26 WALLEYE/threw back another 6 undersized/4 CREW/6 w.bass/Scouting/LIMITED OUT BEFORE NOON!
AUGUST 27, 2016 DRIFTER AM: 24 WALLEYE/4 people/15 w.perch/12 sheephead/LIMITED OUT BEFORE NOON!
AUGUST 26, 2016 SCC AM: 22 WALLEYE /threw back another 4 undersized/4 people/10 w.perch
AUGUST 24, 2016 AM: 21 WALLEYE/4 people/8 w.perch/1 sheephead/waves 1'-4'
AUGUST 22, 2016 AM: 17 WALLEYE/4 people-SCOUTING/1 steelhead/3 w.bass/1'-3' waves
AUGUST 20, 2016 PM: 25 WALLEYE/4 people/1 steelhead/10 w.bass/1'-3' waves
AUGUST 20, 2016 AM: 22 WALLEYE/threw back another 4 undersized/5 people/70 perch/4 w.bass/1'-3' waves
AUGUST 19, 2016 PM: 20 WALLEYE/threw back another 4 undersized/5 people-CREW TRAINING/3w.bass/4 w.perch/lots of sheephead/1' waves
AUGUST 19, 2016 AM: 26 WALLEYE/2 steelhead/1'-3' waves
AUGUST 17, 2016 AM: 24 WALLEYE/threw back another 6 undersized/4 people-SCOUTING TRIP/1 w.bass/2 w.perch/8 sheephead/lake like glass
AUGUST 16, 2016 AM: 10 WALLEYE/threw back another 6 undersized/4 people/1 w.bass/3 w.perch/6 sheephead/3' waves
AUGUST 15, 2016 AM: 17 WALLEYE/threw back another 8 undersized/4 people/4 w.bass/3 w.perch/1'-2' waves
AUGUST 14, 2016 AM: 17 WALLEYE/threw back another 10 undersized/4 people/4 w.bass/12 w.perch/10 sheephead/2 steelhead/1'-3' waves
AUGUST 13, 2016 PM: 12 WALLEYE/threw back another 8 undersized/4 people/2 w.bass/1 w.perch/3 sheephead/1'-5' waves
AUGUST 13, 2016 AM: 13 WALLEYE/threw back another 4 undersized/4 people/3 w.bass/4 sheephead/1'-4' waves
AUGUST 12, 2016 PM: 10 WALLEYE/threw back another 4 undersized/6 people-STAFF TRAINING/2 steelhead/2 sheephead/3'-4' waves
AUGUST 8, 2016 COMBO TRIP AM: 5 WALLEYE/30 PERCH/4 w.bass/1 sheephead/1 steelhead/lost 2 steelhead
AUGUST 7, 2016 AM: 12 WALLEYE-threw back another 3 undersized/4 peole/3 w.bass/1 throwback steelhead
AUGUST 7, 2016 AM: 18 WALLEYE-threw back another 4 undersized/4 people/3 w.bass/3 steelhead/3 sheephead
AUGUST 5, 2016 AM: 16 WALLEYE-threw back 8 undersized/3 people/5 perch/8w.bass/10 w.perch/2 sheephead
AUGUST 5, 2016 COMBO TRIP AM: 15 WALLEYE/96 PERCH/10 walleye throwbacks/4 w.bass/hooked 4 steelhead/3 sheephead
AUGUST 3, 2016 COMBO TRIP AM: 8 WALLEYE/110 PERCH/2 w.bass/10 w.perch/1 steelhead/8 sheephead
AUGUST 2, 2016 AM: 14 WALLEYE -threw back another 3 undersized/4 people/2 w.bass/10 w.perch/1 steelhead/6 sheephead
AUGUST 1, 2016 AM PERCH: 67 PERCH / 4 people-SCOUTING / 1 throwback walleye / 5 sheephead
JULY 31, 2016 AM: 16 WALLEYE-threw back another 4 undersized/crew trip/3 w.bass/3 sheephead
JULY 31, 2016 AM: 17 WALLEYE -threw back another 2 undersized/ 4 people/1 w.bass/4 w.perch/4 sheephead
JULY 30, 2016 AM: 20 WALLEYE-threw back another 6 undersized/crew/7 w.bass/6 w.perch/3 sheephead
JULY 30, 2016 AM: 18 WALLEYE-threw back another 6 undersized/4 people/12 w.bass/6 w.perch/3 sheephead
JULY 29, 2016 PM: 12 WALLEYE-threw back another 3 undersized/4 people/6 w.perch/3 sheephead
JULY 29, 2016 AM: 17 WALLEYE -threw back another 6 undersized/4 people/4 w.perch/2 steelhead/5 sheephead
JULY 28, 2016 PM: 22 WALLEYE / 4 people / 1 w.bass / 1w.perch / 1 steelhead / 1 sheephead
JULY 26, 2016 AM: 14 WALLEYE-threw back another 1 undersized/4 people/3 w.bass/1 w.perch/1 steelhead
JULY 22, 2016 AM: 20 WALLEYE-threw back another 8 undersized/5 people/6 w.bass/8 w.perch/10 shphd
JULY 21, 2016 AM: 12 WALLEYE-threw back another 10 undersized/4 people/4 w.bass/5 w.perch/12 sheephead
JULY 20, 2016 AM: 13 WALLEYE-threw back another 10 undersized/4 people/2 perch/6 w.bass/15 w.perch/10 sheephead
JULY 16, 2016 AM: 9 WALLEYE -threw back another 20 undersized / 4 people / 18 perch / 6 w.bass / 10 w.perch / 6 sheephead
JULY 15, 2016 AM: 19 WALLEYE-threw back another 8 undersized/4 people/12 w.bass/2 perch/4 w.perch/2 sheephead
JULY 12, 2016 AM: 13 WALLEYE-threw back another 10 undersized / 4 people / 8 w.bass / 6 sheephead/2 perch
JULY 11, 2016 AM: 16 WALLEYE-threw back another 6 undersized / 4 people / 10 w.bass / 2 sheephead
JULY 10, 2016 AM: 14 WALLEYE-threw back another 8 undersized / 4 people / 4 w.bass / 4 sheephead
JULY 7, 2016 AM: 15 WALLEYE-threw back another 6 undersized/4 people/5 w.bass/3 sheephead
JULY 6, 2016 AM: 14 WALLEYE-threw back another 6 undersized/4 people/3 w.bass/3 sheephead
JULY 3, 2016 AM: 14 WALLEYE-threw back another 8 undersized/4 people/4 perch/8 w.bass/3 w.perch/10 sheephead
JULY 2, 2016 PM: WALLEYE-threw back another 6 undersized/4 people/scouting/6 perch
JULY 2, 2016 AM: 11 WALLEYE-threw back another 10 undersized/4 people/10 w.bass/2 w.perch/10 sheephead
JULY 1, 2016 AM: 15 WALLEYE-threw back another 6 undersized/4 people/4 w.bass/1 w.perch/2 sheephead
JUNE 28, 2016 AM: 23 WALLEYE-8 throwbacks/ 4 people / 8 w.bass / 2 w.perch / 2 sheephead